Pure song rises
In the showerhead's cascade.
In double anguish
My Adalgisa trembles;
Furious Norma is betrayed.

A sweet meow.
Notas cambiatas swell
Mew to high E flat;
Nancycat warms up in fifths.
Our bathtime opera bagatelle.

Oh! Sweet anguish!
Altar, oath, and god deceived.
Dei migliori?
Will those of Rome forgive me?
Or does my love me now mislead?

Oh! The torment!
Mi proteggi, guisto ciel!
Leave me to my pain!
Glissandos pierce the Heavens
Nancy's notes hit their chanterelle.

Tomcat outside
Pollione's plight recites.
Then, sublime duet!
"For pity's sake now leave me."
"Love is holier than your rites."

Nancycat wails
Pollione's acolyte
Rhapsody unfurled
Her own heroic tenor
Sings of love and lust bedlamite.

"Oh, Norma, pray!
Release me from the altar
Roman gods call now."
My acciaccatura swells
Love lets not my voice not falter.

The truth comes out!!!
As Norma, judge and jury
We a tre present
Her aria of cursed contempt
And let Heaven quell our fury.

My neighbor Lynn
Is tending her sweet flowers
"Last night was awful
Old Tomcat's sick and dying .
And his shrieking my sleep sours.

"And Nancycat
Joins in his piteous concert
How do you stand it?
Yet another cat joins in!
It's a perverted extrovert!

"Yes, that third cat
Is depravity unnamed
It has no mercy
It screams, wails, it carries on
Through it all cathood is defamed."

"Oh yes!" I say.
"It really is quite awful!"
My Diva disguised
Thanks Orpheus for his favors.
"It's neither healthy nor lawful."

"And then," she said,
"I hear this awful rumble!
It shakes my bed hard
Scares me just about to death
And I hear a mournful mumble."

"Oh dear!" I say
"Why do these cats misbehave?"
I'm abashed a bit
I've felt that rumbling also
Bellini rolling in his grave.

Ah, Muse!
I'm Diva.

Bath time again.
With a purr my friend strolls in
Now what shall we sing?
Mew meow purrrrr purrrrra purr
Sounds like Italian tunes to me.

Musetta soars.
Al pie! Oh my foot stings!
Ahi! qual dolore!
Quick! Slash this shoe and free me;
Bruciore now in full swing.

Dire times arrive
My hair now full of shampoo.
Oh! my ice cold hands
I need a muff to warm them.
My Mimi coughs and fades on cue.

© 2000 King Features E.

In tragic baths
Friendship sings her weeping sighs
Sell my earrings now!
Her last desire must happen!
Musetta's tears in shampooed eyes.

Coming soon:
The Dracula Diary

Patricia Jane St. John Danko
© 1998,1999,2000

Amended Iconographies

Painting Gallery
Drawing Gallery
Print Gallery
Sculpture Gallery
Mask Gallery

For a Galician
Songs Of Joy & Sorrow
Songs Of Childhood

Pretend Diva

Projects For Kids


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